The United Label discovers
a new console audience
for Tails of Iron
with the porting support
Adapting game design
to feel native and intuitive
on any gamepad.
Smooth controls including
next-gen consoles gamepads
new functionality.
Adapting existing code
to console requirements
here are some solutions we’re
especially proud of
A team of Unity developers, Tech Artists, managers, and QA specialists has been working on this project. Here are some challenges the team faced during porting Tails of Iron to consoles.
Add new features of next-gen controllers to the game
01. Develop a control scheme prototype for nextgen controller features
02. Test them on a focus group
03. Implement the smoothest variations of these mechanics to the console builds
Provide smooth gameplay on all the consoles
01. Optimize available game resources to run well on consoles
02. Update the existing functionality
Adap PC controls to every possible PS and Xbox gamepad
01. Create multiple control prototypes.
02. Test the prototypes with a focus group.
03. Implement the prototypes with the best feedback to the console builds